Sundara is the Sanskrit word for 'beautiful,' interpreted as inner beauty flowing from grace & wisdom.
Sundara Yoga is a gentle and eclectic yoga class geared towards gracefully aging bodies — mindful of our bones, our balance and our inner wellbeing. This practice is done mostly on chairs or standing poses. We integrate music, readings and meditation to safely experience the full essence of yoga.
Sundara Yoga Offerings:
Yoga for Osteoporosis
Community and Group Classes
Yoga & Meditation Workshops
Private Yoga Sessions
My students, who are my teachers, have always been a constant source of inspiration.
I'm humbled and honored to have received this feedback:
A great big thank you for introducing me to Yoga. You have taken me on a blessed path to peace and I treasure every moment I spend with you on the mat. – Pat
Thank you for all that you bring to us and do for us. You are such a positive in all the lives that you touch. – Namaste, Judie
You are a warm soft light that bathes us all in comfort and balance when we practice. – Diana
Thanks so much for the body stretching, mind expanding, eye stretching, heart-pounding classes. – Kevin
I want you to know how much I appreciate all that you have taught me over the past 8 months or so. You are an excellent teacher and a very nurturing spirit, which comes through beautifully in your classes. – Carla